Saturday Workshop Learning Sessions 1 & 2


Registrants sign-up for their workshops after checking in at the Welcome Desk in Mark Street United Church.


The Beginner & Refresher Stream is designed for those unfamiliar with Biblical drumming or who have not played their frame drum with jingles in some time. This workshop has two sessions. All registrants in this stream attend both sessions.


The Intermediate and Advanced Stream drummers choose one out of 2 topics for each session:


 Morning Workshop

     Enriching Intermediate & Advanced Skills (Part 1 -optional)


       Our Drum and Worship Ways



Afternoon Workshop

    Using our Drum to Support Meditation


    Enriching Intermediate & Advanced Skills (Part 2-optional)



Saturday Workshop 3  Experiential Sessions


Drummers from both streams choose 1 out of 3 experiences

1. Drumming with the Elements- labyrinth

2. Drumming with the Elements- Trail

         3. Drumming as One with the Holy


Workshop Details

The Beginner & Refresher Stream will learn the holding position for the frame drum with jingles, its four basic strokes, basic patterns, and the ‘spirituality’ of the drum.  This material is also found in the training DVD’s available for purchase through to continue to build on what you learn here. A brief introduction to the tar will complete our time together.

Facilitators: Amy Oak & Barb Pitcher              


Enriching Intermediate & Advanced Skills Parts 1, 2. One of Layne Redmond’s oft-repeated reminders was the need for every drummer to go back again and again to the basics, striving for precision, clarity, consistency and speed of each stroke and pattern.  In this workshop we will be doing that on both the frame drum with jingles and the tar.  We will learn new patterns and have an opportunity to drum together with 2 or 3 parts. You are welcome to participate in either of the 2 parts or both.                                                 

Facilitator:  Deborah Tate Breault


Our Drum and Worship Ways   A recent study concludes that if churches want to survive, they need to ‘do’ something ‘religious.’ What worship ‘does’ and what our drums ‘do’ are different. Most worship involves our mind. The drum moves us into our heart. Both are needed. Drumming within such a rich reality matters!                                

Facilitator: Betty Lynn Schwab                                             


Drumming for Meditation The spiritual life of ancient women is the foundation of Biblical drumming. Today, that religious or spiritual life of the Biblical drum is coming to life again.  In this workshop, you will learn a style of drumming that can be used as groups or as individuals to support spiritual and any personal inner ‘work.’ It will provide tools to invoke a relaxed state through rhythm and effective voice. It can be a powerful tool for growth and group or individual empowerment.


                                                                                 Facilitator: Amy Oak


Sharing Our Drum Stories (now moved to 1:00 with dessert & tea)

Many drummers experience powerful moments with their drum, as individuals or as part of a group.  Moments of oneness, or strength or peace or joy or…..  In nature, hospitals, or at home.

 Come hear, share and honor these moments, pondering their connection with those of the ancient women.


Facilitators: Deborah Breault and Bob Root



Workshop 3  Experiential Session


This is a time for registrants to enter more deeply with their drum. All 3 options are open and suitable for both streams.


1.   Drumming with the Elements- Labyrinth

This option involves silent, slow walking on an established outdoor labyrinth. Walking the labyrinth with the pulse of a frame drum is very powerful, prayerful and relaxing.


2.   Drumming with the Elements- Trail

This option involves playing the frame drum outdoors along the Trans-Canada Trail. Outside, fresh air, nature all around you, a time to stretch your legs while relaxing, to get to know other drummers, to chat with a friend, to do some birding,  or….


3.   Drumming as One with the Holy

Barb and Amy will lead meditation with their drums. Rather than learning about meditation and drumming, you will meditate with your drum.  It is a quiet, very spiritual time.