Friday, April 25, 2014
3:00 Registration
5:45 Registrants assemble
6:15 Procession & Ceremonial Opening
7:00 "When the Drummers were pre-Christian Women"
8:00 Celtic Prayer (Peterborough drummers)
8:30 Reception & Social
Saturday, April 26, 2014
8:45 Morning Prayer: Honoring the Elements
9:00 "When the Drummers were Jewish Women "
9:30 Drum Fun
10:00 Workshop 1
11:30 Maria Bovin de Labbé, Norway, Mindful Drumming
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Sharing Our Drum Stories
2:00 Workshop 2
3:00 Drum Fun
3:30 Workshop 3
5:15 Preparing for Sunday Worship
6:00 Banquet Dinner
7:00 "When the Drummers were early Christian Women"
8:00 Ceremony of Blessing
Sunday April 27, 2014
9:00 Drummers assemble
10:00 Worship Service (registrants taking part)
11:00 Closing & Lunch