The Rev. Dr. Betty Lynn Schwab, M.A., M/Div., Ph.D. was a congregational worship leader for more than 26 years when she accepted a call to the national offices of The United Church of Canada as the Coordinator for Worship, Music and Spirituality, a calling she cherishes to this day. Her passion for worship culminated in studies at Harvard and then a Ph.D. in which she explores what Christian worship leaders and worshipers can learn from the worship practices and liturgical theologies of Hinduism and Islam.
During her congregational ministry, she became part of a clergy women's international event held at Our Lady of Grace Monastery, IN. There she met the Rev. Deborah Tate Breault who became Betty Lynn's first drum teacher. Deborah was one of Layne's first students, one chosen by Layne to be part of Layne's "Mob of Angels." Deborah has since drummed in Europe, Egypt, the Holy Lands, Canada and across the United States. Today Deborah and Betty Lynn are frame drum partners, as well as oblates with the same Monastery.
Runnymede United Church, Toronto, Canada
Palm Passion Sunday Service, 2009