Anyone who can breathe can play this frame drum!
— Layne Redmond
Remember: practice + patience = power!
— Layne Redmond
The Church fathers replied to members who pointed out the ancient traditions of worship with tambourines...[that] God, perceiving that they were too weak to give up music as well, had allowed them to use [the tambourine] in his worship -temporarily.
— Layne Redmond, WDWW, p. 151

...sculptures of women with frame drums have been identified as...”woman with cake....Anyone who has actually baked a cake would only attempt to carry it in this position once.
— Layne Redmond, WDWW, p. 79
As I entrained with the beat of the drum - I became the pulse itself...
— Layne Redmond, WDWW, p. 180

My curiosity about the female drummers....unexpectedly opened up a door to a forgotten spiritual technology.
— Layne Redmond, WDWW, p. 191
...the first sound to vibrate our newly developed hearing apparatus is the pulse of our mother’s blood through her veins and arteries.
— Layne Redmond, WDWW, p. 170
Drumming is once again becoming a sacred technology.
— Layne Redmond, WDWW, p. 178