“Praise him with tambourine and dance...
Welcoming the Biblical Drum into Your Congregation
This service of worship was first used at the General Council Offices of The United Church of Canada but can be easily adapted for other contexts. This is also be one way of introducing Biblical drumming in a Sunday morning worship service. This service can be easily adapted to welcome each new drummer or to renew the congregation's openness, acceptance, commitment to the Biblical Drum.
Service of Welcome and Blessing
Prelude: “Nubia” Hamza el Din (played by one tar drummer)
Welcome and Entry of the Drums:
One: Every sanctuary is a holy place
All: preparing us to hear,
and opening us to
the heartbeat of creation.
One: Our life is a journey
of discovery, and rediscovery,
of God’s heart beat,
All: drawing us ever
into lasting Truth
and Life and Joy.
One: In this historic and cosmic journey,
there are moments of great heartbreak
and moments of celebration.
All: Today we celebrate the return
of the Biblical Drum
into the Christian Church
and to this sanctuary
of The United Church of Canada.
***boxed drums are processed in***
Address to the Drum:
One: Stir, Ancient Sacred Drum,
for you are again at-one with the Body of Christ!
(Drummers slowly remove drums from boxes, play Rattlesnake 1 hen slowly set drums in a place visible to all.)
*** silence***
The Biblical Drum's Story (give a brief history of the drum with PowerPoint as possible)
Prayer for the Holy Spirit: (presider moves to center of drums facing congregation)
One: With a sense of awe and joy, O God,
we bow in reverence before You,
Maker of Sacred Sound.
We long to hear the beat of your Heart
in creation,
in our personal lives,
and in the life of your Body, the Church.
We know you yearn for us
to walk with the rhythm of God’s Cosmic Dance.
All: Send your Holy Spirit upon us
and what we do here.
May your Rhythm once again
Be heard in the sanctuary
And in each one of us.
May your heartbeat of Love
Echo through our sanctuary and through each of us,
out into the world and into all your creation.
May we hear the sound of your Pulse again
and so help to bring your Harmony, Health, Joy, and Peace to all.
One: Come, O God, birth-er of the universe,
for we pray in the name of Christ,
the Word, your first Holy, Vibrating Sound.
Scripture Readings:
(Have drummers recite or read a verse or two of Scripture where tambourines are named. These readings could follow a Biblical order or be a joyous cascade of verses.)
Sharing about our Drums
(This is a time for the group to ‘teach’ about Biblical drumming. This could be in place of a sermon or a Children's Moment. Perhaps 4 drummers each name one of the strokes as his/her favourite and demonstrate how it is played. Another drummer might share in a sentence or 2, the Drum's gifts of Practice and Patience = Power. Another could share about the Drum's gifts of Precision and Endurance. Finally, a drummer might share how this congregation got involved in Biblical Drumming and invite any who are interested to join them at their next regular practice. And some drummers could share briefly why they are part of the group and how drumming has enriched their personal life, etc. In all of this keep, Sharing about our Drums short -10 minutes max in total! )
Blessing of the Drums:
All: In the name of Jesus Christ,
and of our Creator,
and the Holy Spirit,
we bless you, Biblical drums and drummers.
One: Whenever and wherever these drums are played,
may God be with you, their drummer,
and with all who listen to you with the ‘ear of their heart'.
All: Let Christ’s Body now resonate with the sounds of Joy!!
Responsorial: “Happiness” played by all drummers
The service would continue as is the practice in your congregation.
How do I do it?
High River United Church AB
"See how he's doing it? Now I've got it!"
High River United Church, AB
A Christmas Eve Scripture Reading
What follows is a suggested reading of the Luke 2:1-20 story involving both tambourine frame drums and tars. It was submitted by the Mark Street United Church drummers -who got quite exciting about it from their first rehearsal onward. Adapt it for your sanctuary size and acoustics, for your drummers numbers participating and their drum abilities. Adapt it also for your reader's style when reading dramatically. The reader , if a drummer, may play his or her tar at appropriate moments during the reading.
Tars enter with a slow walking pace and take their places:
Dt Kt taka Dt taka Kt Kt taka
Dt Kt taka Dt taka Kt Kt taka
Dt Kt taka Dt taka Kt Kt takataka D
Reader And it came to pass in those days
That there went out a decree
From Caesar Augustus,
That all the world should be taxed
(And this taxing was first made
When Cyrenius was governor of Syria)
Dt Kt taka Dt taka Kt Kt taka
& continue on
Reader: And they all went to be taxed,
Every one to their own city.
And Joseph also went up from Galilee,
Out of the city of Nazareth,
Into Judaea, unto the city of David,
Which is called Bethlehem;
(Because he was of the house and lineage of
To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife,
Being great with child.
Dt Kt taka Dt taka Kt Kt taka & stop
Reader: And so it was, that while they were there,
The days were accomplished
That she should be delivered
Tars: fast Doums
Reader And she brought forth her first-born son,
And wrapped him in swaddling clothes,
And laid him in a manger
Because there was no room for them
In the inn.
Doums fade away
Tambourines: D t T t & continue this pattern
1 tar plays a peaceful tempo
Reader And there were in the same country
Shepherds abiding in the field,
Keeping watch over their flocks by night.
Drums faster
And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them
And the glory of the Lord shone around them:
And they were sore afraid.
Drums calm
And the angel said unto them,
Fear not:
drums louder, excited
For, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy,
Which shall be to all people.
D t T t
Reader For unto you is born today in the city of David
A Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you;
Tars: D soft but fast
continue on
Reader Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling
clothes, lying in a manger.
Drums Doums fade
Tambourines Shakes
Reader And suddenly there was with the angel
A multitude of the heavenly host
Praising God , and saying,
All drums D t T t
Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth, peace, good will toward all.
Tambourines: shakes & stop
Reader And it came to pass,
As the angels were gone away from them into
The shepherds said to one another,
Let us now go even unto Bethlehem,
And see this thing which has come to pass,
Which the Lord has made known to us.
Gradually faster
Tambourines: D K taka D taka K K taka
Tar: Dt Kt taka Dt taka Kt Kt taka
& continue
Reader And they came with haste,
And found Mary, and Joseph,
And the babe lying in a manger.
And when they had seen it,
They made known abroad the saying
Which was told them concerning this child.
And all that heard it
Wondered at these things
Which were told them by the shepherds.
Tambourines: D K taka D taka K K taka
Tar: Dt Kt taka Dt taka Kt Kt taka D then
Tars: (Omalu) DDDt DDDt DDtD tDDt
Reader But Mary kept all these things,
And pondered them in her heart.
And the shepherd returned,
glorifying God and praising God
For all the things they had heard and seen,
As it was told to them.
Finish last Omalu pattern.
Then straight into Baladi with both tars and tambourines:
D D takata D taka K taka
A Wedding
A joyous frame drum wedding procession in Maine, USA
Celebrating Love