Layne's Passing

Dear Drumming Friends,

On Monday of this week, at 8:16am, in her home (Asheville NC), Layne Redmond left our world.  Her close friend and soul-sister Debra Roberts was with her. Debra shared with us that Layne's transition was gentle and peaceful.  She is beyond all her suffering now.

Layne's Buzz Off Celebration (see item below for August 03) is her memorial service. She was there to contribute her gentle voice & laughter and her gifted drumming and to feel our love embracing her from parts around the world. 

Layne's last workshop, July 2013

Layne's last workshop, July 2013

On Thursday afternoon, her body will be cremated and your prayers and drum-prayers of gratitude are encouraged at that time, for Layne's life which transformed the lives of so many, and  whose scholarly and artistic work will continue to change the world for generations to come.

Here is how Layne described her arrangements:  "We are working with the wonderful Center for End of Life Transitions organization for a natural, environmentally sound home-based funeral. The body, which is not embalmed, is kept undisturbed at home for up to three days, much like a traditional home wake. They also work with Asheville Mortuary Services which has seating for up to 30 people to attend the cremation and view it through a large window. We can create our own ritual and music for this period. We have the option for purchasing a cardboard coffin that we can decorate and also non-metallic offerings can be put into the coffin. In the beginning I wasn't real excited about thinking about being cremated (!) but by the time the two wonderful women, Caroline and Ruth had laid out our beautiful options we were all very excited about creating the funeral. Really it has taken on the aspect of transforming a funeral ritual that could be somewhat empty into something more meaningful and celebratory as I did with other kinds of rituals with the Mob of Angels. I can see my death as a very natural extension of the life I have lived."

Ah, our dear, dear Layne, how deeply we will miss you. Journey well!

Ottawa Biblical Drummers Sept.20



Our new tars

Our new tars

Our most recent gathering took place on Sept. 20. While small, we were certainly mighty! As drummers arrived, we worked on our tar, its proper hold and the 4 basic strokes.  Shifting from the frame drum with jingles to a first tar in the standing position is a little tricky and takes patience and practice, just as Layne says! But even in this first half hour, it was becoming easier.

Our opening meditation was based on a Thomas Troeger hymn and an Annie Dillard poem, "At a certain point" followed by prayer and our chant "Sacred is the Call."


 Warm-up was a focus on tics and shakes as we slowly build up wrist strength and a lively game of "I play. You play."

We worked on our Sufi meditation pattern, and  Rattlesnake 2, adding the 5th line since we can now play through the first 4 patterns successfully. We worked on cross stepping with chopsticks and incorporated the pattern Omalu -which all of us now find very meditative and healing and use in our personal prayer times.   The pattern 'Happiness' was our fourth melody. "Drum Clock" was our fun rhythm, and we shared a good conversation about the challenge of Taks on both tar and tambourine.

Frame Drum with jingles

Frame Drum with jingles

To close we listened again to Troeger's hymn and Dilliard's poem, shared in prayer and casual visiting. Our next gathering is OCTOBER 4, 7-9pm, at Stittsville United Church.

Everyone is warmly welcomed!










Ottawa Biblical Drummers Sept. 13



Good news! 


To accommodate some of our wonderful new drummers, our group now meets on the first and third Fridays of each month. This includes Friday September 20, 2013, our next gathering, 7:00-9:00 pm.

We met Friday September 13 and rightfully celebrated our progress since the March introductory workshop. We began our evening reflecting on a reading by Gabrielle Roth and our chanting of 'Sacred is the Call.' Warm-up was an exercise to help baby finger find her place on the back jingle: Ctt Css. We worked on the Sufi pattern and Drummers' Toss and our chopsticks! We spent time learning and playing  with Layne through CD 1. And we played all of Rattlesnake 2 straight through for the first time! Hence our celebration!  Drumming to 'Earth My Body' and our closing prayer, Commissioning and the hymn 'Seek the Pulse' followed. 

See you tomorrow!












An Invitation from Layne

Layne book.jpg




Anyone who has read Layne's book called

When the Drummers Were  Women

is invited to share with her what impact the book has had on their life.  She will compile the responses for a final section of the book when it is republished. The new edition will have lots of updates on the uncovering of the frame drum and other news since the book was first published in 1997.  She invites you  to include a high resolution photo of yourself along with your response.  Her email is  

Bracebridge & Peterborough Biblical Drummers

Like the Ottawa Biblical Drummers, the Bracebridge United Church Drummers met for great times drumming during the summer this year. And like the Peterborough Drummers, the Bracebridge group realizes they have now "become a loving, caring support group of women that love to drum and sing."  They are planning to create a display of Earth's  4 elements for our Festival which the Peterborough group eagerly agreed to host.

Both the  Bracebridge and the Peterborough drum groups are 'growing into' their new 16" Cooperman tars. Moving from the beginner tar to a professional, handcrafted tar like this takes a little time to adjust but the melodic resonance of each Cooperman drum makes the adjustment easier and the desire deeper to play it well.

Inner side of the Cooperman 16" tar showing its tuning mechanism

Inner side of the Cooperman 16" tar showing its tuning mechanism

Ottawa Biblical Drummers August 30

August 30 was our most recent gathering. We worked hard, and overtime because it was the long weekend!  Yeah!  

Our opening reading was adapted from John Diamond's book The Way of the Pulse. An opening prayer and our chant followed, Sacred Is The Call. We then welcomed a new drummer to our midst, Anne, a friend of Judith.

We warmed up working with Layne on CD #1 Track 3 and this proved more doable than our last gathering's attempt to follow her in a more complex pattern. We all admit she moves pretty quickly through her material even at the beginner stages. our warm up continued with Perididdle and Balladi. 

We then worked on the Sufi pattern, Rattlesnake one and two.  A change of page was indicated amid the raging storm outside and so we worked with our chopsticks, experiencing a pattern of one, two and four over a pulse of four.  This is now solid for us.

We reviewed and sang Earth My Body for a significant time, relaxing into drumming as we chanted.

By then, it was our normal closing time but we all agreed to a go around of Drummer's Toss.  And, indeed, we enjoyed hearing the Taks toss!  

Our official closing involved re-reading the Diamond passage, a closing prayer and our Commissioning and Benediction.

Instead of heading home, however, we all took time to evaluate a new pamphlet on Biblical Drumming and many worthwhile suggestions were made and are now incorporated into the revised edition.  We also spent good time evaluating a prototype frame drum with jingles from Cooperman.  It is exhilarating to be part of such a creative endeavor and we had a good number of comments to pass on for Prototype #2.

Our sense of community as well as skills are definitely growing. For this and for all our many blessings, we give thanks to God!  


Our next gathering is September 13th, 7-9pm at Stittsville UC.  There we will probably decide to shift to the first and third Fridays of each month from our present 2nd and 4th Fridays to better accommodate drummers schedules. 




How's Layne?

In response to your questions, Layne continues working hard to complete her film, and republishing her book "When the Drummers Were Women."  Last weekend she hosted her Buzz Off on-line birthday celebration! 

So, thank-you for asking about her.  And let's keep our Omalu prayers going, sending vibrations of peace and strength to Layne.  

  Layne and Yeye Omileye Achikeobi-Lewis,   priestess of Oxun [oshun] a Brazilian religious tradition combining ancient African religious practice with Christianity that was imposed on the slaves by their 'owners.'    

  Layne and Yeye Omileye Achikeobi-Lewis,   priestess of Oxun [oshun] a Brazilian religious tradition combining ancient African religious practice with Christianity that was imposed on the slaves by their 'owners.'


Ottawa Biblical Drummers August 16

Our next gath e ring is 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Stittsville United Church 7-9 pm. 

Visitors, beginners are warmly welcomed! 

On August 16, our group gathered together, sharing news and information with each and then we began our work on the introductory tar!  Pretty exciting and challenging.

When all had arrived, we opened with meditation by Russell Buddy Helm' s Way of the Drum, this week from the last pages where he describes the kind of incite that comes through frame drumming.  Our opening chant, Sacred is the Call, was sung and we accompanied ourselves on our drums, using Ctt.

We warmed up with patterns such as Dtt, Ctt, Ktt.  Ttt  -great fun once the finger muscles learn when to stroke where!  Then we reviewed the Sufi Pattern, finding it a little easier each time we drum it.

Our work involved Rattlesnake 2, learning a new chant "Earth My/Our Body" and drummed with it once we had the words and tune down pat.

For the first time we used chopsticks to help us internalize cross stepping to a pulse of 4 while playing various other patterns on the chop sticks.  Everyone caught on quickly! 

We tried working with Layne's cd 1 and found it challenging as she moves quickly from one speed to another. We will try this again next gathering.

We had a conversation about sharing with more churches and friends about us and Pamphlets ,and posters were promised! We closed with a moment of meditation, commissioning and benediction and our send 'out' hymn, "Seek the Pulse" 

Thanks be to God and to each drummer for sanctifying this wonderful time together.

Ottawa Biblical Drummers August 13

 Our next gath e ring is 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Stittsville United Church 7-9 pm. 

Visitors, beginners are warmly welcomed!   


In September, we  begin playing the introductory tar. These tars are $35.

I will  take orders, colour preferences etc for your  professional tar (Cooperman) which we will begin learning in January. The approximate cost is $270. This is well in time for you to really enjoy playing with a larger group in April at the Festival on any of the  3 biblical drums.


Here's a summary of our last gathering on August 16th.

We  strengthened our basic strokes, and our jingle playing at 3 different speeds. We enjoyed Balladi and Omalu  and know both pretty well now. We practised cross stepping.

We had fun with the Sufi Pattern, some of us new to it . We reviewed and played 'Tak Catch' or 'Clock Catch' with the pattern  D t T t T t T t     D T t T t T t T. Our game was going really well until the teacher  through us all off!  

We worked  on the shakes in Rattlesnake 2.

Everyone is urged to do a brief time of shakes every day to strengthen their wrist and fingers. This strength builds GRADUALLY.  Aim to shake the drum evenly for 5 seconds, then 10 seconds, then ?  That kind of physical fitness grows slowly through brief daily practice.  We all have time for it  amid our daily busyness! Besides it is just plain fun -annoying everyone and finishing the exercise before they can even complain!!!!

We learned a new Earth chant and its drum pattern  and had a great conversation on the coming together of sacred dance and Biblical  drumming via the elements.

Russell Buddy Helm's book, The Way of the Drum, provided our meditation reflections. 

Thanks everyone for such a sacred and pleasant evening! 

And, of course, joyful thanks be to God!


Layne's Buzz Off Birthday Party : Tomorrow!

SATURDAY AFTERNOON, 2 - 4 pm  August 17, 2013

 Bhramari Buzz Off!!! 

We will have instruction in Tonglen, Sitting Meditation and Bhramari and conclude with a blesing:  Holding Up the Water Bowl of Prayers for the World, conducted by Yeye Omileye Achikeobi-Lewis, priestess of Oxun. 


Happy Buzzday, Dear Layne!  

Happy Buzzday, Dear Layne!  

SUNDAY MORNING, 10 am - 12 noon 

Practices of the Bee Priestesses

Layne will teach other forms of Bhramari, the mantra for the Bee Goddess and related meditations.

Join in through:





SEE for details



Ottawa Frame Drummers -dates

Tak Doum, everyone! 



Due to the long weekend, our next frame drum gatherings are Friday, August 9 and the following Friday, August 16. We meet from 7pm to 9pm in the Stittsville United Church on Fernbank Road. First timers and any beginners are most welcome!

A First Tribute to Layne

Layne was scheduled to lead a workshop in October 2013 at the Rowe Center in Massachusetts (almost next door to Cooperman's Drum ! ).

The workshop was entitled " The Healing Power of the Frame Drum". 

That title now reads "The Healing Power of the Frame Drum: A Tribute to Layne Redmond."

This tribute workshop will be led by Tommy Brunjes, at Layne's invitation.

It is another reminder of a change coming for us all. Thank-you, Tommy!


Tommy Brunjes

Tommy Brunjes

A Rowe Center chapel

A Rowe Center chapel

Drumming for Layne

As news of Layne's illness was shared, drum groups and individual drummers began to play/pray for her. Some drummed, and drum, Omalu, an ancient prayer to the Holy One as Healer. Others improvised and are improvising. Still others played, and continue to play, their favourite patterns.

On the island of Cyprus, the Ma Gaia frame drummers invited us all and  join together with the rest of the world one evening, drumming for Layne. Ma Gaia also sent a DVD of their evening that evening which Layne graciously shared with us all at her workshop. Below is a photo of the Ma Gaia drumming that evening by the Aphrodite rock in Cyprus.

See also  Ma Gaia at


From California, Miranda Rondeau shares her thoughts about this prayer drumming:  

Miranda Rondeau

Miranda Rondeau


From Miranda Rondeau's Music Page

Feeling so connected to all who love Layne Redmond, the deep gratitude all have shared today during the two global drum prayers for her. Makes me feel better... even though I've been still shedding tears. John from REMO Drums talked to her today and said she is feeling GREAT, she's not suffering and that all the love coming to her in all the different ways, really sustains her!!!
She is happy and at peace and would like to keep focused on finishing her film.
Thank you to all who drummed for her today!! May the rhythms continue to support her in all ways.



Ma Gaia drumming for Layne - with the world

Ma Gaia drumming for Layne - with the world

New Message from Layne

Tommy Brunjes

Tommy Brunjes

As we prepare for her 4th Annual Frame Drum Intensive, Layne sent us an email.


In part it shared that she is planning to attend the Intensive as her final workshop, despite her illness. Layne will take part as much as she is able.


Tommy Brunjes, Debra Roberts and Farrunnissa Rosa will provide leadership on her behalf as needed. 



Always an exemplary woman, Layne draws our attention to the Center for End of Life Transitions with whom she is planning for her Transition.  See



In her email Layne goes on to say:  


 " In thinking over the retreat that starts next week, we gave everyone the option for a full refund but decided to go ahead with those who wanted to attend, and in fact more people registered. I'm very much looking forward to seeing everyone.


... I'm really at peace, busy eating anything I want and looking back over my life with true pleasure. It has been so great to meet so many of you who love the frame drum, and it has been really amazing to see how the simple desire for wanting to learn to play the drums has unfolded in my life. One of the projects that we are taking care of now is getting When The Drummers Were Women back in print. My dvds and cds will continue to be available through my company Golden Seed Productions which will also care for and house my slide collection from the many years of my research."



Thank-you, Layne, for leading by example and for  teaching us in so many way!    Peace be.   


Layne and Tommy Brunjes on tars

Layne and Tommy Brunjes on tars

One of Tommy's cds

One of Tommy's cds

Trans Union.png

4th Annual Frame Drum Intensive Retreat

This wonderful retreat will open with a rhythmic ritual around the bonfire led by Tommy Brunjes on the Wednesday.

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday we’ll be working on Middle Eastern style tambourine and the tar in the standing and knee positions and including Brazilian candomblé trance rhythms. 

For advanced students Tommy will hold special sessions focusing on learning to improvise with frame drum and teaching his personally developed techniques for pandeiro and kanjira.

Therapeutic rhythmic techniques will be taught, helping drummers develop a powerful sense of time.

Each evening there will be a special event.

One evening will be incorporating a viewing of  Layne's  incomparable slide archive of the ancient goddesses, women and men frame drummers.

Another evening we will focus on Sound Rituals from ancient transformational practices.

A third evening will be a  movie night !   Excerpts from Layne’s newest film Axé Orixá (shot in Salvador, Brazil) will be shown, featuring the amazing festival of Iemanja, the festival of Omalu, and much more!

Sunday will be marked by a ritual. While  thinking mythically and working ritually, we will  create a closing ceremony using the many tools worked on during these five days. 

This event is held in the Prama Institute, near Asheville, North Carolina. It is quite the building:


 For further details, see Layne Redmond's website ( under "Schedule".


Ontario Womyn's Drum Camp 2013

Ontario Womyn’s Drum Camp

For 21 years, a wonderful group of women drummers have organized a 4-day summer camp. There are a plethora of diverse workshops on our “adventure called drumming.” The Biblical frame drum is a part of it each year, taught by Barb Pitcher, Amy Oak and Dede Alderman of Michigan, for example. Swimming, canoeing, a market place, a clinic for drum care and tuning, an on-going silent auction and late night jamming are all part of this rich banquet. This year as well, there was a community project of building a giant puppet with the puppet-makers’ dreams for the future as her robe. Each drummer took part when and as she felt like painting, drawing, etc. The puppet then led the ceremonies of the Saturday celebration.

The 150 women came this year from all over: Quebec, Manitoba and Ontario as well as North Carolina, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, California, Michigan, Maine, Maryland, New York State, Louisiana!

Each camper can start many  new friendship and re-connect with other friends they have known along their personal drumming path. Drum teachers can be students again. People new to drumming are most assuredly welcome.  Sacred dance is included, as is First Nations’ drumming,  meditation, sacred rattle making, yoga, sacred circle singing, belly dancing and even workshops on all the little percussion instruments we gradually accumulate: shekere, vocal gourds, bells and claves. THere are a number of beginner to advanced djembe workshops, too.

I heard about the camp years ago; this year was my first venture into it. I attended for a half-day and loved it. Everyone was so friendly. The workshop was absolutely wonderful. I didn’t eat with the women but the food looked so good! I am planning to camp out in a cabin next year and join in fully with my sister drum campers. Wow!!!

As the Iron Age woman knew, and as the earliest Christian women knew whether she converted from Jewish or Greek & Roman traditions, drumming with many other women is a deeply empowering event.  Even my 1/2 day was soo refreshing!

Curious? Hungry? See photos below for a taste! And check out their website. 

Saskatoon Drummers Public Debut

DIane, Marie and Dorothy are the core drummers in the group that meets at McClure United Church in Saskatoon, SK.  This group began less than one year ago! When the Grandmothers For Grandmothers (G4G) were taking part in the Stride to Turn the Tide walk, the group decided to make this their first public drumming event!  Such bravery!!! 

They drummed  to bring the participants together for the guest speaker and then drummed all the walkers off on the journey, before joining in themselves!  Choosing Omalu for their core pattern, they blessed the walkers and sent waves of strength, hope and  healing to African grandmothers less fortunate than many in Canada.

Congratulations, Saskatoon Biblical Drummers!! and 

Frame Drums Italia

Each year, Italy hosts a frame drum event that draws some of the best frame drummers from around the world. This year,  it is held in Montelparo Italy, June 19-23.   Well, at least we can dream......even if the poster features only male drummers!

Details are on poster below & at
