Elsie Maynard

A favourite figurine ​in our collection is this limited edition 12.5 inch high Royal Doulton image (H.N. 2902) of Elsie Maynard, the wandering singer from Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Yeomen of the Guard". It was designed by William K. Harper and was only issued between 1982 and 85. We found it in November 2012 at The Quinte Antiques and Consignment Centre in Belleville ON.

While one may have some questions about the character of Elsie as outlined in the libretto, she is usually depicted on stage with a frame drum in hand and so definitely belongs in our collection. ​The Royal Doulton Company issued an earlier version of Elsie Maynard (H.N.639). This mauve and pink figurine created by Charles J. Noke stands only 7 inches high and was issued from 1924 to 1949. We now keep an eye out for it whenever we go antiquing.
